How to join Kipi?
Please contact us on the contact page below should you need assistance and for more information about KIPI .This is how you Join :You can only Register when on a computer, tablet or a smartphone . NB PLEASE NOTE THAT WHEN USING A TABLET OR SMART PHONE TO REGISTER PUT THE SCREEN ON AUTO ROTATE SO THAT YOU CAN USE IT AS A DESKTOP SITE,AGAIN NOT ALL SMART PHONES CAN BE USED TO REGISTER BUT A BLACKBERRY Z3,SONY EXPERIA Z2 HAVE BEEN PROVEN TO BE COMPATIBLE. .
1) Log onto http://mydeposit241.com/305529249
2) Look in the top right hand corner and click on Create an Account
3) This will open up another screen and again click on Create an Account
4) The next screen is to Create a Dream….. IMPORTANT – SKIP THIS PAGE FOR NOW.
5) On the next screen you will be required to complete some personal information – Name, Surname, Birthday
6) When you add your cellphone number… Please add a +27 and type your cellphone number without the 0. For Example : +2776......
7) Add a Password
(The reason for using my INVITATION CODE is simply because I'll automatically be your GUIDE and in that way i'll guide you in everything regarding KIPI)
9) Click next to “Terms and Conditions” and then Continue
10) The next screen will ask you for an OTP number – this is a verification process and an sms will be sent to your cellphone. Once received then add the number in the area supplied.
10) The Registration process is now finished.
11) You are now ready to log in.
12) Go to http://mydeposit241.com/305529249
13) Click on Login
14) Go your to your Profile section and complete the rest of your personal information and add banking details. Please ensure that you add your banking details 100% correct as you will not be able to change any information once added unless you ask support to change them for you.
15) You are now ready to add your dream
16) Go to your ADD a DREAM page. Click on Add a Dream
17) Complete the name of your Dream, it could be anything you want to achieve e.g "I want to buy a car" or "Want to build a house" etc
18) The next block will require the amount that you have available for your Dream. For Example if you have R200 cash available for a dream then type R200.00.
19) The next block has amounts written on the right bottom corner. These amounts will be indicated from the minimum growth to the maximum growth of your dream money.Choose the amount you want to get, an amount that is within the range given below the box e.g you have R200 and you want R400, the system will give you a range of 4-6 months before your dream can be fulfilled.
20) Kipi will then calculate the months.
21) Continue
22) Kipi will ask you if you are sure and if it will be a bank deposit. Click on Bank Deposit. Kipi will generate the name of a community member and their banking details. You will have 3 days to deposit the money which you donate into their bank account.
23) Once you have done your deposit then you will have to log back into the system and mark you deposit as Sent – This is a very important step as this process notifies the community member that money will be transferred into their account. Once they receive the money into their account then they have to mark as received. Once this has happened then your dream will start growing.
24) Important – Kipi may ask you to keep money for another community member. They will pay this money into your account. Please don’t use this money as Kipi can randomly ask you to pay it out to another member again.
Should you have any questions or need clarification on any matter or subject not addressed in FAQ's, do not hesitate to drop us an e- mail below